BIKROY BAAZAR অনলাইন শপিং এ আপনাকে স্বাগতম। এটি বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বিশ্বস্ত অনলাইন শপ। সারা বাংলাদেশে ক্যাশ অন ডেলিভারি করা হয় ( ২৪ থেকে ৭২ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে নিশ্চিত ডেলিভারি ) সকাল ১০ টা থেকে রাত ১০ টা পর্যন্ত ফোনে অথবা অর্ডার বাটনে ক্লিক করে অর্ডার করতে পারবেন এবং রাত ১০ টার পর শুধু ( অর্ডার করুন ) বাটনে ক্লিক করে অর্ডার করার জন্য বিশেষ ভাবে অনুরোধ করা হল। হটলাইনঃ 01893-900580

Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel

৳ 1290 ৳ 950

প্রোডাক্ট কোড: BEE

স্টক : ইন স্টক

পরিমান :

ফোনে অর্ডারের জন্য ডায়াল করুন




ঢাকার ভিতরে ডেলিভারি ৳ 80
ঢাকার বাইরে ডেলিভারি ৳ 150
ঢাকার বাহিরে কুরিয়ার খরচ অগ্রিম প্রদান করতে হবে ৳ 150
বিকাশ মার্চেন্ট নাম্বার: 01893-900580
বিকাশ / নগদ নাম্বার : 01752-774046
বিকাশ / নগদ নাম্বার : 01775-931232
100% original products
Pay cash on delivery
Delivery within: 2-3 business days

Thanks to BeeZen™ New Zealand Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel, more than 100,000 people have been relieved.

Let's hear Catherine's story:

"Catherine is a 62-year-old woman diagnosed with arthritis. Her bones have become fragile, and she often feels discomfort and pain, struggling to cope. She tried different treatments, but there seemed to be no significant improvement. That's when she heard about this. The miraculous gel."

"A few years ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis. Since then, my bones have become fragile, and I have been struggling with joint pain and discomfort. I tried different treatments, but there seemed to be no significant improvement. Then I heard about this miraculous gel. I decided to give it a try, and within a week, I noticed a reduction in my discomfort and pain. After using BeeZen™ for two weeks, my bones became stronger, and I could even jump rope and exercise. It has brought significant changes to my life, and I highly recommend it to anyone with arthritis or osteoporosis." - Catherine, Los Angeles, USA"

Let's hear Andrew's story:


"I am a sports enthusiast who loves long-distance running and hiking. As the years went by, I began to feel discomfort in my knees. At first, I ignored the discomfort. However, over time, my knee pain gradually increased, especially when walking, climbing stairs and squatting. The swelling and stiffness around my knee even affected my daily activities. I went to see an orthopedic doctor, after a detailed examination and x-ray, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, the doctor recommended BeeZen™ New Zealand Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel, after using it for about a week my swelling was eliminated, until now I am using two bottles and I can enjoy my sports again and enjoy the beautiful scenery while traveling, and I will continue to use BeeZen™ consistently." - Andrew Johnson, San Francisco, USA

‼️ Dangers of joint disease:


Orthopedic diseases can take a toll on your quality of life. Statistics show that 35% of the US and Europe's population struggle with joint issues. Symptoms vary from mild pain to severe joint deformities and can potentially lead to life-threatening complications.

According to statistics, 35% of the population in the US and Europe suffer from joint problems, with varying degrees of joint problems in every five people. The milder cases include arthritis, rheumatism, and gout, with symptoms such as pain, stiffness, swelling, difficulty in movement, fatigue, and loss of range of motion. Severe cases can result in joint deformities, fever, and intense joint pain, which can lead to long-term pain and disability. In extreme cases, orthopedic diseases can even lead to life-threatening complications.

BeeZen™ New Zealand Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel is renowned for its effectiveness in treating a broad range of orthopedic issues.

Can relieve and treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, osteoporosis, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament sprains and strains, bunions and tennis elbow and cysts.

🐝Bee Venom Features🐝

Overall, bee venom exhibits multiple biological activities and can be used to treat various diseases and symptoms, such as arthritis, muscle pain, skin inflammation, wounds, allergic reactions, and immune system disorders.All ingredients are derived from natural plants and bee venom, cruelty free.

Bee Venom Filtrate: Naturally obtained, It is a potent alkaloid with various biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immune-regulating properties.

Royal jelly: It has antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Catechin: A green tea extract, it helps alleviate pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduce inflammation and pain caused by arthritis, improving quality of life.

An Expert's View

Dr. David Lee is a highly respected orthopedic medical expert with over 25 years of experience. He has dedicated his career to researching and treating joint and skeletal-related issues, and has made significant breakthroughs in the impact of natural therapies on orthopedic care.

Dr. David Lee

"In my extensive career, I have found BeeZen™ New Zealand Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel to be a highly effective non-surgical intervention for joint and skeletal problems. The gel incorporates active ingredients such as bee venom, curcumin, and vitamin D, which cleverly combat inflammation, promote joint health, and improve mobility. This gel is not only affordable but also remarkably efficient, providing sustainable relief for debilitating conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, thus revolutionizing orthopedic care."

Initially Exclusive To Clinics

The BeeZen™ gel has now become more widely accessible. Several individuals from older generations have tried it and witnessed notable improvements. Embracing this alternative could potentially save you more than $3000 when compared to expensive surgical interventions.

  • Eliminate edema
  • reduce joint pain
  • Joints can move freely
  • Eliminate joint inflammation

Why choose BeeZen™ New Zealand Bee Venom Professional Treatment Gel?

  • Reduce arthritis pain
  • Eliminate joint inflammation and edema
  • Promote joint tissue repair and improve joint mobility
  • Immediate effectiveness
  • Developed and produced in FDA-registered labs in the US
  • Cruelty-free and contains no harmful ingredients

Here are some of our happy customers

"For years, I gradually lost the ability to perform basic tasks like opening bottles or typing on a keyboard. My independence was diminishing. However, everything changed when I discovered BeeZen™. Today, I have reignited my passion for painting, an activity I had given up due to unbearable pain." - Williams Weaver

"I only used it for three weeks, and the change has been astonishing. As someone with knee arthritis, I used to spend a lot of time climbing stairs. Now, I can climb stairs faster, and I feel that my knee joints have become stronger. I'm thrilled with the results." - Tom

These are the stories of Williams Weaver and Tom. They found BeeZen™ to be life-changing. David regained his independence and rekindled his passion for painting, thanks to the relief provided by BeeZen. Tom, on the other hand, experienced remarkable improvements in his knee arthritis, enabling him to climb stairs more quickly and feel stronger in his knee joints. If you're facing similar challenges, I highly recommend giving BeeZen a try.

  • How to use?

    1. Start by washing and drying your affected area.
    2. Apply a generous amount of the gel to the affected area.
    3. Massage the cream into the skin until it is absorbed.
    4. Allow the cream to remain on the skin for at least 15 minutes.
    5. Repeat the process two to three times a day for best results.
    6. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after each application.

    Does our bee venom filtrate come from killing or harming bees?

    Our bee venom filtrate is obtained using a humane process that involves anesthetizing bees with ether, allowing them to naturally expel venom without harm. After this, bees fly away unharmed.The bees are 100% naturally farmed and our venom is of high quality due to decades of cultivation and breeding in New Zealand.



  • 📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.
  • 💰 Money-Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or it didn't work on you , we will gladly issue a replacement or refund.
  • ✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.


13 reviews
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Garfield Vaughn

I was hesitant about trying a bee venom gel for knee swellin [...]


I've tried all kinds of treatments for arthritis and BeeZen™ [...]


Over time, with regular use, I observed a significant improv [...]

Kathleen Cook

I highly recommend it to anyone seeking relief from hand art [...]

Richard Barbieri

This gel was recommended to me by a sports medicine physicia [...]


I was amazed how quickly and how well the product worked on [...]

Sabine Weber

I like it for back pain Have to reapply more than once.


BeeZen™ has been a game-changer for my joint issues. It's ea [...]


After trying countless treatments for my joint pain, BeeZen™ [...]


I was skeptical at first, but BeeZen™ exceeded my expectatio [...]

 বিক্রিত পণ্য ফেরত নেয়া হয় না তবে নিন্ম লিখিত ক্ষেত্রে পণ্য সার্ভিসিং পন্য পরিবর্তন বা মুল্য ফেরত প্রযোজ্য।

 আপনার যত প্রশ্ন আছে তা বর্ননার সাথে মিলিয়ে অথবা আমাদের কাছ থেকে জেনে পন্য অর্ডার করুন।

 ছবি এবং বর্ণনার সাথে পন্যের মিল থাকলে পণ্য ফেরত নেয়া হবে না ।

 তবে আপনি চাইলে আপনার গ্রহন করা পন্যের সম মুল্যের কি বা বেশি মুল্যের পণ্য নিতে পারবেন (যে টাকা বেশি হবে তা প্রদান করতে হবে ) ।

 কম মুল্যের পণ্য নেয়া যাবে না ।

 পণ্য আনা নেয়ার খরচ আপনাকে দিতে হবে।

 যে সকল পন্যে ওয়ারেন্টি আছে তার ওয়ারেন্টি সার্ভিস আমরা প্রদান করবো।তবে কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে পন্যের ব্রান্ড আপনাকে সার্ভিস প্রদান করবে তবে সে ক্ষেত্রে আপনার নিকটস্থ সার্ভিস পয়েন্ট থেকে সার্ভিস নিতে পারবেন।

 পণ্য সার্ভিস করতে যাওয়া আসা বা পাঠানো এবং রিটার্ন করার খরজ আপনাকে বহন করতে হবে।